Buy Winstons Beds hand-stitched pocket spring mattress, Double, Kingsize, Super king at
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Buy Winstons Beds hand-stitched pocket spring mattress, Double, Kingsize, Super king at
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Do you own the UK’s most disgusting pillow?

We’re launching a fun contest to find the UK’s most disgusting pillow. Enter now by sharing a pic of your offending pillow with us. One lucky entrant will be named as the grossest pillow in Britain and will be awarded a pristine replacement as a prize.

The UK’s most dirty pillow competition

Winstons Beds recently made headlines around the world after revealing how to remove unsightly yellow sweat stains from pillows.

Now we are searching for Britain’s most disgusting pillow and we want to gift the ‘lucky’ owner a brand new super luxury replacement.

Dirty Pillow From Saliva Stain On Dirty Bedroom,

Pillow with yellow saliva stains

But to qualify for the prize the pillow must be used regularly to sleep on – despite being long overdue a deep, deep cleanse.

At Winstons we understand that pillows are important, after all we each rest our heads on one for around eight hours every night.

But while a good pillow can last several years if cared for properly, it seems many of us fail to take the necessary steps to ensure the hygiene of our pillows in the long term.

That’s why we recently issued guidance on how to remove unsightly yellow stains from a pillow – with our advice making national and even international headlines around the world.

Media coverage included The Daily Mirror, Daily Express, MSN, Yahoo News, Huff Post and many more. Our advice piece was even picked up by the New York Post and we saw coverage from as far afield as Singapore, Malaysia and New Zealand.

Now we have decided to take things one step further by launching our very own search to find the most disgusting pillow in regular use in the UK.

Perhaps you know someone who just can’t bring themselves to change or even clean their beloved pillow even though it definitely needs to be done.

Or perhaps you are the proud owner of a pillow that has seen better days but which is simply so comfortable that you can’t bear to part with it.

If so we would love to see a photo – with the pillow owners consent of course. So send your images, along with some brief details about why you think it deserves to win our contest to [email protected].

Don’t forget to include your name, where you live and some info about the pillow – how long you have owned it for, when it was last washed and why you can’t bear to replace it.

One lucky winner will be crowned Britain’s most disgusting pillow – and the owner will receive a prize of a brand new luxury pillow in immaculate white.

Our contest is now open for entries and you have until 6pm on the 24th December 2023 to enter with the winner being selected in January. Good luck to all entrants.

Please note by submitting an entry you agree to the image being used for PR and marketing purposes.

Here our seven hacks for removing yellow stains from bedding

Three cups of white vinegar

  • The acidity in white vinegar can help get rid of yellow stains from bedding and mattresses. When putting duvet covers and pillowcases in the wash, add three cups of white vinegar to achieve a fresh and stain-free finish.

Soak overnight

  • Soaking bedsheets overnight can allow the cleaning products to have maximum effect in removing the most stubborn stains. Make sure to give them a wash in hot, soapy water beforehand.

Wash pillows every three weeks

  • To keep the pillows clean, it’s worth putting them in the wash every three weeks which can also help to remove more stubborn yellow marks. Pillowcases should be washed every week or two to make them more hygienic to sleep on.


  • Squeeze two limes on the stains before giving it a deep wash. The acidic elements will help to bleach the stained yellow colouring. Scrub it gently onto items such as mattresses so it doesn’t ruin them. Leave it to rest for 30 minutes then wipe it down.

Boil wash

  • Having the wash on at 90º degrees, also known as a ‘boil wash’, can help remove any bacteria caused by sweat and will make pillows smell and feel fresh again.

Hydrogen Peroxide

  • Hydrogen Peroxide can work as a super cleaner when it comes to yellow stains. Half a cup of Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with water can help to restore the bedding to its original colour. Sprinkle with baking soda afterwards to lift up the tougher stains.

Washing up liquid

  • Yellow stains in mattresses are usually the most difficult to lift out. Try and avoid using products like bleach as it can make the stains worse. Instead, use a mixture of washing up liquid, hot water and baking soda and scrub the stains with a microfibre cloth.

Published: 2nd November 2023 (Updated: 15th November 2023) | Isaah

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